Title Sponsor
The Tournament Title Sponsor is our flagship, mast-head sponsor and will be seen EVERYWHERE on the course!
Tournament Title Sponsor receives exclusive radio mentions involving the participation in the tournament, some business information, and more in order to promote your company and to deliver positive messages about assisting Jimbo’s Wish and families affected by ALS.
Included in this package are two foursome golf teams, the Jimbo’s Wish plaque, your company’s select merchandise with logo featured in all player gift bags, your banner at registration on the golf course, your logo on all event promotions, and verbal recognition during the awards ceremony.
The Tournament Title Sponsor is our flagship, mast-head sponsor and will be seen EVERYWHERE on the course!
Tournament Title Sponsor receives exclusive radio mentions involving the participation in the tournament, some business information, and more in order to promote your company and to deliver positive messages about assisting Jimbo’s Wish and families affected by ALS.
Included in this package are two foursome golf teams, the Jimbo’s Wish plaque, your company’s select merchandise with logo featured in all player gift bags, your banner at registration on the golf course, your logo on all event promotions, and verbal recognition during the awards ceremony.
The Tournament Title Sponsor is our flagship, mast-head sponsor and will be seen EVERYWHERE on the course!
Tournament Title Sponsor receives exclusive radio mentions involving the participation in the tournament, some business information, and more in order to promote your company and to deliver positive messages about assisting Jimbo’s Wish and families affected by ALS.
Included in this package are two foursome golf teams, the Jimbo’s Wish plaque, your company’s select merchandise with logo featured in all player gift bags, your banner at registration on the golf course, your logo on all event promotions, and verbal recognition during the awards ceremony.